Jesus Christ our Savior. His Cross our Message. His Word our Guide.

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04-09-17 Resurrection Certainty

Resurrection Certainty
Mark 12:18-27

God’s plan in history has connections we cannot even begin to see or understand. Some are revealed and some are behind the scenes. There are two connections in this passage that show the beauty of God’s plan over time. One is more immediate, tying together events just a few days apart. The other bridges the span of about 1400 years. These both show God working for our good and proclaim to us resurrection certainty.

04-02-17 Follow the Light

Rivers of Living Water
John 7:37-52

John wrote this gospel so that we would believe Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and have life in His name. (John 20:31) In this passage Jesus calls us to believe in Him and His promise that “Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” Jesus was talking about the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

03-26-17 Knowing God

Knowing God
John 7:25-36
We were created to know God. We find purpose and fulfillment in knowing God. We experience love and joy by knowing God. While Jesus was at the Feast of Booths in Jerusalem, people talked about God and shared their thoughts about the Christ. Jesus taught them that knowing God is something really deep and personal, going beyond what the mind merely thinks.

03-19-17 Time is in God’s Hands

Time Is in God’s Hands
John 7:1-24
This passage directly and indirectly deals with time. Through Jesus’ encounters, we see that time is viewed by and dealt with very differently by God and us. While we are bound by time, ultimately we see that time is in God’s hands.

03-12-17 To Whom Shall We Go?

To Whom Shall We Go?
John 6:60-71
Responses to Jesus varied, especially when He used figurative language and made exclusive claims. Last week we looked at Grumblers and Disputers. This passage gives the account of when Grumblers choose to become Quitters. It also tells us of the Twelve Disciples who choose to go with Jesus.

03-05-17 Dealing with the Exclusive Claims of Jesus

Dealing with the Exclusive Claims of Jesus
John 6:41-59

Jesus’ words sometimes seem repetitive. But because His symbolism is hard to grasp (people tend to take Him literally), He repeats His claims so that His hearers can come to grips with their meaning. Responses to Jesus varied, especially when He used figurative language and made exclusive claims.

02-26-17 Jesus is the Bread of Life

Jesus Is the Bread of Life
John 6:22-40
The day before this encounter, the disciples and some from the crowd of 5000, which were fed by five loaves and two fish, learned more about Jesus’ compassion, ability, abundance, identity and lordship. Now they (and we) learn more about how Jesus wants us to respond to him as he declares the first of his “I am” statements.

02-19-17 Understanding Jesus

Understanding Jesus
John 6:1-21
In chapter 5 we saw that Jesus’ critics did not receive Him because they did not understand who He was. They were not the only ones. The crowds that followed Jesus and even His own disciples did not yet understand Him.

02-12-17 Seeking God’s Glory

Seeking God’s Glory
John 5:30-47

When Jesus’ critics rightly understood that He was claiming equality with God, Jesus explained that He only does what the Father does, is granted life in Himself and is given all judgment. Then He defended Himself by citing the most authoritative testimonies to His claims. Jesus makes the crux of the issue whether or not we seek God’s glory. (5:44)

02-05-17 The Authority of Jesus

The Authority of Jesus
John 5:18-30

After Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath (presumably violating the Law), Jesus calls God His Father. Those who were seeking to quiet Him rightly understood that He was claiming equality with God. This would be utter contempt against the glory of God (which they believed), unless it was true.

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