Jesus Christ our Savior. His Cross our Message. His Word our Guide.

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08-21-16 Water – A Cup of Mercy

Water: A Cup of Mercy
Matthew 10:40-42, 25:31-46

In both of these passages, Jesus uses the giving of a cup of water as an example and a symbol of an act of mercy. Jesus’ words are often challenging and meant to bring us closer to the heart of God and into a deeper faith.

08-14-16 Water-Best Served with a Towel

Water: Best Served with a Towel
John 13:1-20

Jesus uses water in a living parable for his disciples as he prepares to go to the cross. He approaches this “knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he had come from God and was going back to God.” (John 13:3)

07-24-16 Water- Walking by Faith

Water: Walking by Faith
Matthew 14:22-33

One of the great Biblical accounts that illustrates faith is Jesus walking on water and the response of his disciples, especially Peter. Our faith grows and we can do unimaginable things when we:

07-17-16 Water: Jesus Gives Living Water

Water: Jesus Gives Living Water
John 4:1-42

Water plays a key role in one of Jesus’ most profound teachings on worship. Those who live in arid lands are very much aware of the life giving property of water. Jesus plays off of that and draws us into a deeper understanding of God.

07-10-16 Water: Jesus Manifests His Glory

Water: Jesus Manifests His Glory
John 2:1-11

It is a little surprising that Jesus’ first miracle was to turn water into wine. John tell us that through this Jesus manifested his glory and his disciples believed in him. Their faith rested in the evidence of what Jesus did and said. So our faith looks to Jesus as he manifests his glory by:

07-03-16 Water: Baptism

Water: Baptism

The New Covenant through Jesus replaced circumcision with baptism for the sign and seal of the covenant. God’s purposes provided a sign that was not painful, could be performed on women as well as men, was appropriate for public profession of faith, was clear in its symbolism and used the readily available instrument of water.

06-26-16 Water: Thirst

Water: Thirst
Exodus 17:1-7, Numbers 20:1-13, 1 Corinthians 10:1-4

In scripture we see that thirst is physical, spiritual and symbolic of other conditions. After their deliverance from slavery in Egypt, Israel wandered in the desert for forty years before entering the Promised Land. The Apostle Paul says, “Now these things happened to them as an example, but they were written down for our instruction.” (1Corinthians 10:11) Part of the example and instruction relates to their thirst. We find thirst:

06-19-16 Water: Deliverance

Water: Deliverance

Exodus 13:21-15:21

One of the defining events in the history of Israel is God freeing His people from slavery in Egypt. The culminating act is God parting the waters of the Red Sea so Israel could escape the Egyptian army. God still brings deliverance. The greatest deliverance is from our sin to restored relationship with God, hope, peace and purpose through our Lord Jesus.

06-12-16 Water-The Flood

Water: The Flood
Genesis 6-9

The usual view of the account of Noah focuses on the ark and the animals. Sometimes there are references to Noah’s neighbors and their reaction to the ark, animals and the flood. But the account is far more than a cute children’s story. Though it lacks the advantage of understanding God’s purposes through Jesus Christ, the good news is definitely taught and demonstrated.

06-05-16 Water-Creation

Water: Creation

Genesis 1 & 2

Today we start a series that draws on the theme of water in the Bible. There are many key events where water is an agent and/or a symbol of God’s work. We begin with creation and consider the amazing role that water plays

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