Jesus Christ our Savior. His Cross our Message. His Word our Guide.

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02-25-18 Another Helper: The Presence of Christ

Another Helper: The Presence of Christ
John 14:12-31
In this passage, Jesus promises he will ask the Father to send another helper, the Holy Spirit. There is a lot in this passage, so we will take two weeks with it. Next week we will focus on the Spirit’s role of teaching us truth. Today we consider the Holy Spirit as the presence of Christ dwelling in us. This is appropriate on a communion Sunday, because we believe in the spiritual presence of Christ in the bread and the cup.

02-18-18 How Can We Know the Way

How Can We Know the Way?
John 14:1-11
Five times in the Book of Acts, the early church is referred to as the Way. It is probably from Jesus’ declaration, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” Embracing this truth provides the way to hope in the present and ushers us into eternal life in the presence of God.

02-11-18 Betrayal, Love and Denial

Betrayal, Love and Denial
John 13:18-38
The order of events that unfolded that night (Passover) was important. After Jesus demonstrated servanthood by washing his disciples’ feet, he told them to do the same to one another. The tone shifted as Jesus revealed one of them (Judas) would betray him. Once Judas left, Jesus gave a new commandment to love one another and then foretold Peter’s denial of Jesus.

02-04-18 Service of the Towel

Service of the Towel
John 13:1-17
Chapters 13 – 17 describe what takes place in the upper room during Jesus’ final Passover and last hours with his disciples. “His hour” had come. His ministry was about to be completed. He begins this meal with a dramatic and piercing living illustration. Every time I read this favorite story, God teaches me something new and I am challenged and encouraged.

01-28-18 Whoever Believes in Jesus

Whoever Believes in Jesus…
John 12:37-50
We have spent a few weeks in the twelfth chapter of John. It covers the day before Palm Sunday up to the day before the Passover meal. It contains Jesus’ last teaching to the people and emphasizes who Jesus is and how He will bring salvation and eternal life to those who believe in Him.

01-21-18 That You May Become Sons of Light

That You May Become Sons of Light
John 12:27-36
The great blessing to us that comes through the cross of Jesus is that we may become fully restored sons and daughters of God. But there is much more about the cross that we need to reflect on so that we can fully delight in the grace given to us.

01-14-18 The Hour Has Now Come for the Son of Man to be Glorified

The Hour Has Now Come for the Son of Man to Be Glorified
John 12:12-26
When his mother asked him to perform a miracle (his first) at a wedding, Jesus responded “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” (John 2:4) Three years later (Palm Sunday) Jesus declares, “The hour has come.” Jesus refers to the timing of his ministry, especially his crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, in which he is glorified.

01-07-18 Honoring Jesus and Ministering to the Poor

Honoring Jesus and Ministering to the Poor
John 12:1-11
Last November, we completed chapter 11 of the Gospel of John. It was a pivotal point in the gospel, leading up to Jesus’ declaration, “I am the resurrection and the life.” From chapter 12 onward, we are in the last week of Jesus’ life, culminating in His resurrection and then appearing to His disciples.

12-31-17 Looking Forward

Looking Forward
Hebrews 11:8-10
As we end 2017 and consider all that was done, it is also important for us to look forward to what God will do. While the foundation and power of our faith rests in the past event of Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection, faith is an ongoing trust in the past, present and future work of God. We live by faith in God’s promises. These promises, like those given to Abraham, are part of God’s initiating grace. Of Abraham’s faith, Hebrews 11:10 says,

For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God.

12-24-17 Godly Guidance – Fourth Sunday of Advent

Godly Guidance
Matthew 2:1-23
This Advent, I have shared the birth of our Lord through the activity of angels. We started with an Amazing Announcement to Mary. Then Joseph had a Crucial Corrective. A Paramount Proclamation was made to the Shepherds. Today we see Godly Guidance being given to the wise men and to Joseph.

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