Jesus Christ our Savior. His Cross our Message. His Word our Guide.

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05-13-18 This Was to Fulfill Scripture

This Was to Fulfill the Scripture
John 19:23-42
John gives his purpose in describing the death of Jesus.
He who saw it has borne witness — his testimony is true, and he knows that he is telling the truth — that you also may believe. (19:35)
Beyond his eyewitness, John wants us to see the evidence of God’s redemptive design through the fulfillment of scriptures written hundreds of years earlier.

05-06-18 The Humiliation of the Son of God

The Humiliation of the Son of God
John 19:1-22
All four gospel writers give considerable space to the torture and crucifixion of Jesus. We might think that the resurrection should have the longer narrative and include more detail, but that is not the case. We understand the importance of the cross – Jesus taking on our punishment and dying in our place, but why such a strong emphasis on the suffering and humiliation of the Son of God? While admittedly incomplete, we will focus today on these five reasons:

04-29-18 For This Purpose

For This Purpose
John 18:28-40
Pilate, the Roman governor, questioned Jesus about the accusation that Jesus claimed to be the King of the Jews. Jesus replied by stating His purpose for coming into the world. In John’s Gospel Jesus described His purpose in different ways, depending on the audience and the context. Here, His emphasis is on truth, a theme that runs throughout the gospel.
And the Word [Jesus] was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)

04-22-18 Shall I Not Drink the Cup that the Father Has Given Me?

Shall I Not Drink the Cup that the Father Has Given Me?
John 18:1-27
Jesus and his disciples left the upper room, where they ate the Passover meal, and crossed the Kidron Valley to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. From a human perspective, everything fell apart and they entered into crisis. But from God’s perspective, there is something far more horrendous and far more glorious than anyone could have imagined.

04-15-18 Sanctified in the Truth

Sanctified in the Truth
John 17:13-26
The prayer of Jesus in John 17 (often called The High Priestly Prayer) includes the themes of joy, love and truth. John’s life is so transformed that these become the major themes in his letters many years later. Last week, we saw in the first part of the prayer how the assurance of our eternal life is grounded in God’s glory. This week we see the way God assures our salvation is by purifying us in His truth. And remember this incredible truth, Jesus is praying this – for you.

04-08-18 And This Is Eternal Life

And This Is Eternal Life
John 17:1-13
John 17 is a prayer of Jesus, sometimes referred to as The High Priestly Prayer. He prays first for himself, then his disciples and then for all who will believe in him. Our focus today is on eternal life, which Jesus received authority from the Father to give. Many tend to think of eternal life as being forgiven, going to heaven, living forever and being reunited with loved ones. Jesus gives us a far deeper understanding: that you may know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he sent.

03-25-18 Take Heart – Jesus Has Overcome the World

Take Heart – Jesus Has Overcome the World
John 16:16-33

It was confusing, disappointing and frightening for His disciples to hear Jesus tell them He was going away. He promised to send another helper – the Holy Spirit, but none of this fit their expectations for the future. Verse 33 was a wake-up call to reality for them and it is for us as well.

03-18-18 Another Helper: Conviction of the Spirit

Another Helper: Conviction of the Spirit
John 15:26-16:15
In the upper room with His disciples, Jesus declares Himself to be the true vine and we are the branches that depend on the vine for everything. Jesus teaches He is the source of love, joy and peace. He calls us to respond to His initiating love by believing (having faith/trust) in Him and loving one another as He loved us, even laying down our lives if need be.

03-11-18 I am the Vine, You are the Branches

I Am the Vine, You Are the Branches
John 15:1-25
Jesus delivers his last “I Am” statement, giving us another metaphorical image of who he is and our relationship to him. While each “I Am” statement can be understood on its own, when taken together they provide a more complete picture.

03-04-18 Another Helper- The Spirit of Truth

Another Helper: The Spirit of Truth John 14:12-31 In this passage, Jesus promises he will ask the Father to send another helper, the Holy Spirit. Last week we considered the Holy Spirit as the presence of Christ dwelling in us. Today we will focus on the Spirit’s role of teaching us truth. Throughout his writings, John emphasizes truth and love, which he…

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