Snowy Weather and Worship
As I write to you today from my study at Parkway I am aware that many have concerns about making it to worship tomorrow. Here are my thoughts and plans on the matter as you make that decision for yourself.
- We will have a crew here at Parkway livestreaming the service. We will be without our pianist, but we will soldier on as best we can. If conditions remain as they are or worsen, I strongly suggest you consider the option to join us online.
- Since we will have a crew at Parkway livestreaming the service then you can join us either online or in person as per usual—the decision is yours to make, but please be cautious and prudent in your decision making, especially since we have a viable option for you to join us online.
- Before choosing to come to Parkway for in person worship, instead of choosing to join us online tomorrow, here are some important factors to consider:
- While the main highways today were relatively clear, the side roads are NOT. There is little prospect that these roads will be clear before tomorrow morning making travel very difficult. This includes 138th Street and the church parking lot. Expect to travel through deep snow, slush and ice if you plan to drive to church. If you lack experience and equipment traveling in these conditions, join us online.
- Gary has cleared some of our walkways at Parkway today, but overnight conditions will mean that many of the walkways will be slick. If walking on slick walkways is a bad idea for you, join us online.
- In general, traveling in snowy, icy conditions requires proper equipment, proper experience and proper conditions. If any one of these factors is absent, it is best to join us online. Tomorrow’s roads will almost certainly be a slushy, icy, slick mess. I suggest that driving in those conditions, unless necessary, is generally a bad idea, especially if you lack experience driving in those conditions.
In summary, Parkway will be open to you tomorrow, but please use extreme caution and prudence in making the decision if you will join us in person or join us online.
-Pastor Bill