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11-20-16 Overflowing Thanksgiving

Overflowing Thanksgiving

2 Corinthians 9:6-15

Stewardship is really about how we use all of the resources God has entrusted to us: time, education, training, mental and physical abilities, money and possessions. This is one of the most quoted passages about monetary giving, mostly because it so directly fits that context.

We Should Choose to Live for Our Greatest Good (vs. 6)

“Prosperity Gospel” advocates misuse this passage

We are too often short-sighted

Our greatest good and treasure is Jesus Himself (vs. 15)


God’s Sufficient Grace in Giving Produces Great Results

(vs. 8 ) all grace abounds to us           abound in every good work


(vs. 10) God supplies  — →        fruitful sowing (ministry)

and multiplies                   increase harvest of righteousness


(vs. 11-12) enriched in every  —         produces thanksgiving to God

             way to be generous                           supplies other’s needs


(vs. 13-14) others see your submission  —     others will glorify God

     arising from your confession of the

     good news and see your generosity

     because of God’s surpassing grace


Giving is an Expression of Our Faith (vs. 7)

It’s a decision of the heart

Given freely – not reluctantly or under compulsion

Joy is our motivation, expression and the litmus test

God loves giving that reflects His heart

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