Jesus Christ our Savior. His Cross our Message. His Word our Guide.

07-29-18 Following in Jesus – Devotion

Follow in Jesus’ Devotion

Matthew 4:1-11 & Acts 2:29-43

 This six week series has a launching point from 1 Peter 2:21, which also provides the theme for Vacation Bible School. We began with following in Jesus’ faithfulness because receiving grace through faith is the foundation for every other characteristic. This last message focuses on following in Jesus’ devotion, which Jesus both demonstrated and taught. In order to faithfully follow in Jesus’ devotion, we must:

Seek to Be Nourished by God’s Word

Finding truth and integrity


Resisting temptation


Participate in Christ-Centered Fellowship

Committing to one another


Serving with one another


Engage in Worship of God Alone

Focusing on Jesus’ sacrifice and glory


Depending on God’s grace through prayer


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