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05-01-16 Rejoicing in Christ

Rejoicing in Christ

1 Peter 4:12-19

 We continue with the theme of suffering. How we respond is critical. Faith and holy conduct are necessary. Peter also emphasizes rejoicing in the Lord because it is an incredible outward witness of the inward heart and mind.

How Do We Share in Christ’s Sufferings?

Is it the benefits of Christ’s cross or suffering for His name?

Context is persecution

What Sufferings Should We Expect?

Avoid overt evil conduct: murder, stealing, evildoer

Avoid subtle evil conduct: meddler

Persecution for being a Christian – main context

General suffering through a Christian response

How Do We Respond Best to Suffering?

Entrust our souls to the faithful Creator

Yield to the Spirit

Rejoice/glorify God

Why Rejoice?

Refining work of God

Final victory is assured

How Does the Final Judgment Relate to Our Joy?

Reminds us of our need for grace and faith

Compassionate warning to all people

We have assurance of salvation

We experience God’s great glory through the Spirit

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