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01-28-18 Whoever Believes in Jesus

Whoever Believes in Jesus…

John 12:37-50

We have spent a few weeks in the twelfth chapter of John. It covers the day before Palm Sunday up to the day before the Passover meal. It contains Jesus’ last teaching to the people and emphasizes who Jesus is and how He will bring salvation and eternal life to those who believe in Him.

 The Folly and Peril of Unbelief

Some will reject undeniable evidence

     Romans 1:19-20

Not confessing belief is dangerous middle ground

Matthew 10:32-33

God can harden hearts that already reject Him


Words of Jesus become the judge when He is rejected


The Glory and Blessing of Belief

Believing in Jesus is believing in the Father


Seeing Jesus is seeing the Father’s glory

     Isaiah 53 (Suffering Servant) Isaiah 6 (Exalted King)


It is leaving the darkness and receiving the light of Jesus


Jesus did not come into the world to judge but to save


The Father’s commandment (what Jesus spoke) is eternal life

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