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03-18-18 Another Helper: Conviction of the Spirit

Another Helper: Conviction of the Spirit

John 15:26-16:15

In the upper room with His disciples, Jesus declares Himself to be the true vine and we are the branches that depend on the vine for everything. Jesus teaches He is the source of love, joy and peace. He calls us to respond to His initiating love by believing (having faith/trust) in Him and loving one another as He loved us, even laying down our lives if need be.

The world will oppose us because it opposed Him, so Jesus asked the Father to send the Holy Spirit to teach us truth, give us comfort and to encourage and strengthen us.

As we are called to bear witness to Jesus (15:27), Jesus wants us to know that the Holy Spirit will do what we are unable to do. While we bear witness to Jesus, the Spirit’s work is to convict the world of:


Sin – Because the World Does Not Believe in Jesus

Blinded to know and trust Jesus as He truly is

Reject the idea of and need for a savior


Righteousness – Because Jesus Went to the Father

Jesus perfectly obeyed the will of the Father

Jesus taught truth that came from the Father

Jesus demonstrated the power of God

Jesus lived a sinless life

Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for sinners

Jesus rose from the dead and sits at the right hand of the Father


Judgment – Because the Ruler of This World Is Judged

Trial and conviction has taken place – awaiting execution

Showing the reality of judgment for those who disobey God

Declaring the victory of forgiveness for those who believe

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