Jesus Christ our Savior. His Cross our Message. His Word our Guide.

07-22-18 Follow in Jesus – Boldness

Follow in Jesus’ Boldness

Luke 6:6-11 & Acts 4:1-22

This six week series has a launching point from 1 Peter 2:21, which also provides the theme for Vacation Bible School. We began with following in Jesus’ faithfulness because receiving grace through faith is the foundation for every other characteristic. Today we focus on following in Jesus’ boldness, which Jesus both demonstrated and taught. In order to faithfully follow in Jesus’ boldness, we must:

Live with Kingdom of God Values

God’s truth is foundational


God’s will is supreme.


Rely on the Holy Spirit

Education and status are insufficient and at times deficient.


What fills us makes the difference.


Focus on Jesus

Jesus’ resurrection proved He is the Cornerstone.


Salvation is only through Jesus.

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