Jesus Christ our Savior. His Cross our Message. His Word our Guide.

04-15-18 Sanctified in the Truth

Sanctified in the Truth

John 17:13-26

The prayer of Jesus in John 17 (often called The High Priestly Prayer) includes the themes of joy, love and truth. John’s life is so transformed that these become the major themes in his letters many years later. Last week, we saw in the first part of the prayer how the assurance of our eternal life is grounded in God’s glory. This week we see the way God assures our salvation is by purifying us in His truth. And remember this incredible truth, Jesus is praying this – for you.

Sanctify: purify, set apart for holy use


Jesus Prays for Us to Be Kept from the Evil One

We are in the world but not of the world – values, focus, devotion


The evil one seeks to destroy faith in God by distorting truth


Jesus Consecrated (Sanctified) Himself for Our Sake

He had the authority and power to do this


He makes possible our being sanctified


We Are Sanctified through Truth

Truth reveals reality and lies


The Spirit of truth guides us into all truth (16:13)


God’s Word Is Truth

Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1)


God’s revealed will in scripture is God’s word to us

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