Jesus Christ our Savior. His Cross our Message. His Word our Guide.

11-12-17 What Are We to Do

What Are We to Do?
John 11:38-57

In the raising of Lazarus, Jesus said the Son of God would be glorified so that they (we) would believe in him. This glory is grounded in Jesus being “the resurrection and the life” and demonstrating that by raising Lazarus. All people must respond to Jesus and the challenges His call brings to our lives.

Jesus Does Undeniable Miracles
Note the emphasis on Lazarus being dead (vs. 38, 39, 41 & 44)

This is not merely a spiritual renewal (vs. 43)

Jesus points to the Father (vs. 41)

We Are Always Making Decisions
Many believed. Many did not. What does it take? (vs. 45-46)

Politics versus following Jesus (vs. 48)

Presumed security versus possible danger (vs. 48)

Prestige versus obscurity (vs. 48)

Denial versus faith (vs. 47-48)

God’s Plan Prevails
Jesus’ purpose was to die for our sins (vs. 49-52)

Sinful choices by religious people put Jesus to death (vs. 53 & 55)

God redeems sinful choices to work His plan (vs. 57)

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