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12-23-18 Advent – Change – Impacting the World

Change: Impacting the World

Luke 2:1-7, 22-38

God impacted the world in an incalculable way when the Eternal Son of God entered into the world as a small baby. Both human and divine natures were perfectly woven together in a mystery far beyond our understanding. Jesus and those who put their trust and hope in Him have been impacting the world ever since.

Starts with the Miracle of Jesus (Luke 2:1-7)

God guides the course of history even when people don’t know.

God’s wisdom is to display majesty through humility.

Jesus was born for the salvation of those who trust in Him.

Does the birth of Jesus create in us an awe and wonder in God’s power, wisdom and grace that we unreservedly trust in Christ?

Relies on the Work of the Holy Spirit (Luke 2:22-35)

Obedience to God’s word puts us in right places at right times.

Being open to the Holy Spirit gives us insight into God’s will.

Yielding to the leading of the Spirit draws us into His purposes.

Do we look at interactions with people and the events in our lives as divine appointments guided by the Holy Spirit?

Leads to the Genuine Worship of God (Luke 2:36-38)

Our worship displays our constant need for God.

Our worship is permeated with prayer and thanksgiving.

Salvation is meant for all people to delight in God in worship.

Is our own desire for God deeply felt and expressed with even more joy and astonishment than a child opening presents on Christmas morning? Do we desire others to experience this?

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